AURA MAGIC is an Astral Matter FaShiOn ExPeRiEnCe creating TrAnSfOrMaTiVe, iNtErAcTiVe, MuLtiFaCeTeD, OnE oF a KiNd creations surrounding the wearer with iMaGiNaTiOn ~an AuRa Of MaGiC ~ FaBriC oF tHe SoUL ☆
The moment I first wrapped myself in my Astral Matter tapestry it felt like I was surrounded with an AuRa oF MaGiC. I knew that my ViSiOn~MiSSiOn~PuRpOsE was much bigger than myself & the only way to UnFoLd ReALiTiEs beyond my iMaGiNaTiOn was to CoLLaBoRaTe
~ ThE MaGiCaL UnRaVeLiNg ~
To be alive at this time means to be caught in the great unraveling that strands us near all the loose threads of creation; but it also means to be close to the revelation of the new design and the next paradigm. The old knowers say that the cave of knowledge can be found in […]